Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thankful Thursdays

Today I am thankful that my tendonitis, my tennis elbow, my right arm, is healing more and more every month.

I have been lifting weights, icing it and playing with Silly Putty. All were prescribed to me by my wonderful chiropractor. I shudder to think where I would be without him.

It’s been a very difficult road. I’ve had searing pain whenever I lift my cup of coffee. I hurt when I groom my new little dog. I haven’t been able to pull weeds in my flowerbeds. I’ve had to cut back on almost every activity I do…

But now I can actually see improvement. Real progress! I don’t hurt when I fix my hair or brush my teeth now, and I can lift my barbells without pain.

And... I can paint again!

You see, I am on a 100-year project of painting the woodwork in our house. Okay, not really 100 years, but that’s how it feels. Will I ever get it done???

I remind myself of “how to eat an elephant” constantly, breaking down the whole house into rooms, and even breaking down a room into 4 separate walls.

And how will it ever get done if I can’t work on it??

As much as I hate painting woodwork, I hate the way the current woodwork looks more, so it’s gotta get done. And hallelujah, now I am able to work on it again.

And this time around, instead of hating it quite as much, I’m very grateful that I am healthy enough to paint at all. I especially love how it’s making me feel productive and useful again. ♥

And I am so thankful for that.

Lucky Dog

p.s. But if I ever have to paint another banister railing in my life,
I think I will scream.

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