Monday, April 5, 2010

Hidden Treasures

Well, we’ve had the little dog a little over a week now, and it has been a most wonderful week indeed.

(Good grief, why did we wait a year to get another dog??
Haha Oh well.)

So we have been enjoying getting to know this little dog, and getting him used to our life and routines, while learning his. For example, he loves to go up to the Studio with me and he takes naps while I work/play, and he loves sleeping on the big bed with me while I read and work on my laptop.

But he doesn’t seem to like being walked on a leash, and doesn’t much care for being out on the deck like I would imagine a dog would. Odd.

Well, who knows… Maybe he was at a breeder who kept them in cages. I have no idea what his first 7 years were like. They must have been pretty good, though, because he is extremely loving and sweet.

I’m afraid we constantly compare him to the Pom that we had for 14 years, noticing similarities and differences--we just can’t help it. And the this little dog is so much like our other dog that sometimes it’s like looking at a ghost. It’s just about too good to be true, for which we are very grateful. Adopting a 7 year old rescue dog is a gamble, to say the least. And so far, it has been a joy.

Oh, not that there haven’t been some challenges, too. The poor thing apparently contracted kennel cough last week, so he has been coughing and hacking all week long. It’s been so hard to listen to. I can only imagine how sore his little ribcage must be! But I took him to our vet and he’s on meds, so hopefully that will clear up soon.

But he does the cutest thing that our other dog did not:
he hides his toys in corners. (!)

For some strange reason, I have a slew of cat and dog toys collected over the years. Really, a whole basket full. And for the most part, the cats don't play with many of them, but to this little dog, he has found the mother lode!  :)

Anyway, I gave the dog a little faux-fur toy shaped like a bone (hopefully it’s a dog toy), and he walked off with it in his mouth and promptly went and deposited it in a corner of the room.

(This green mouse is a cat toy. I hope the cats don't mind dual custody!)

Well, I thought that was cute, but just a one-time thing. But then later I started finding other toys in other corners.  :)  And today, he took his little pig ear chewy thing and, instead of chewing on it, he took it to a corner of the Studio and put it down and then I heard digging noises on the carpet. I guess he thought he was burying it! Haha I didn’t know dogs did this! How funny!

Anyway, it’s just so cute I can hardly stand it. I wish I had a video to share. Pix will have to do for now.

I guess I will be finding lost toys and chewies for years now…  :)

Lucky Dog

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