Monday, December 16, 2013

Easy-to-Peel Hard-Boiled Eggs (really)

I’ve always had trouble peeling hard-boiled eggs.
It was very hit or miss.

Rarely did I get more than a few
that were pretty enough to put out on a plate.

(Deviled eggs were still out of the question.)

And, of course I googled and experimented…

I tried old eggs.
I tried adding baking soda to the water.
I tried adding vinegar to the water.
I even tried baking them in the oven.

The best result I ever got was
after I left them in the refrigerator overnight
and then peeled them.

But who can wait for that?

Then the other day I saw a video on YouTube,
shared by one of my FaceBook friends.

Here’s the link:  RVGeeks video

Well, I’d tried all the other things.
I thought I might as well give this a go.

And guess what??

It worked the first time!
Every egg peeled beautifully.

 At my age, I finally have learned how to boil eggs.

Try it!  It really works!

Lucky Dog

P.S.  I have since gotten an egg steamer.  
It works perfectly and is gobs easier.

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