Friday, March 30, 2012

Nature Photos

Spring has sprung!

And we’ve been outside doing some gardening chores,
and of all things, we saw a turkey in the woods behind us!

We see turkeys in a few neighborhoods in the area,
but never in ours!  And there was just the one. 

I wonder how it got away from the others,
because we always see them in groups of about a dozen or so.

But there we were, tidying up the flowerbeds and such,
and every now and then hearing a gobble-gobble-gobble
come from the woods. 

I guess he was trying to find his friends.  (!)

Here are a few other photos I’ve taken lately:

Here’s a male deer, with his big antlers… 
We love to see male deer,
because hopefully that mean *babies*!!!

And here is a rare photo. 
Rare for me, because it’s the first time
I’ve seen 2 hawks at once in the backyard. 

Much less taken a photo of 2 at once.

And last, here is a photo of a barred owl. 

We have heard them for years,
but it wasn’t until the drought and the blazing hot summer
last year, that we actually saw one. 

I think the lack of food drew him out,
and I got some photos!  J

BTW, my wildlife photos are usually taken
from our bedroom window. 

I’m not out there in the woods with them! 
I’m doing good to get up and get the camera.  LOL

Anyway, here are some pretty springtime photos
of things blooming:
my favorite clover, and some Johnny Jump Ups...

Gosh, I love Spring!

Enjoy it while you can,
‘cause the redbuds are already fading!

Lucky Dog

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