Thursday, July 28, 2016

Rainbow Cowl

For a while this summer, I put my lace on hold
 while I knitted up this Rainbow Cowl.

I saw a version of this on FaceBook, and just had to make it.
The colors weren't listed,
so I had to just do my best picking out the yarn online.

In case you didn't know it, picking yarn out online
is usually not a good experience for me.

I can't really depend on the screen to
accurately show me the color, and I sure can't feel it!

(In an ideal world, every yarn you would ever need
would be at your local yarn store to see and touch.  Oh well.)

Since I have never made this pattern before,
 I had to learn a new stitch:  the Diagonal Scallop Stitch.

It turned out to be no big deal.

It's kind of like picking up a stitch (a ladder)
and then binding it off 2 stitches later.
Over and over and over again.

And I am so not used to working with this weight of yarn.

For this project, you hold 2 different colors of
 fingering weight yarn together at the same time.

And for every new section,
you drop one color and pick up another.

Yeah, there were more than a couple of ends to weave in,
 but that's the nature of the beast.  You just know that going in.

But I am so thrilled that my arms and shoulders
 stayed healthy during this project!
What a blessing!!!

I usually knit with "clouds", so this

-- combined with the fact that I was knitting like the wind
for hours and hours (and hours!)  –

was a lot more work for my muscles and body than usual.

And the stitch was a lot of repetitive motion,
so I was happily surprised (and so very grateful)
 that I was able to get away with it!


I doubt that I will repeat this project,
and I am very happy to be knitting with
lace weight mohair and silk again… 

But it's always nice to work on something different
 from time to time, especially if it expands your horizons.

(Your KSA's:  knowledge, skills, and abilities!)

And the best part?
I've already found it a new home.  ♥

I just love knitting.

Lucky Dog

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