Today is the Summer Solstice! It is the longest day of the year, and the shortest night of the year.
And it's the official beginning of Summer!
What does Summer mean to you???
Watermelon and corn on the cob? OR no school, swimming, and picnics? OR vacations and fireworks and pool parties?
Unfortunately, to me, Summer means heat. Energy-draining heat. And I do not do heat well. I have actually had a doctor tell me that I am allergic to heat, thus the itchy hives. All I know is,
I love love love my air-conditioning! ♥
Maybe that’s my Texan background talking, but June, July, and August are just plain HOT. Good grief, it’s been really hot here already this month. I thought moving 500 miles north, we’d get a break on the summer heat, but noooooo.
I knew it was coming. Back when we had the blizzards in December, it seemed like it would be a welcome change from all that snow. I thought I’d be happy not to be so cold, happy to not have popsicle fingers every day, but here I am, griping about the heat. Isn’t that always the way?! :)
In South Texas, I felt like “hot” was over 92 or 93°. Really hot was over 98. And of course, it’s so humid there, the heat index was the pits. I actually had a Northerner who had moved to South Texas ask me, “How do you get used to this heat?” And I said, “Who said we get used to it?” I know I never did.
And in Texas, ya never seemed to catch a break. No cold front passed through for a bit of a reprieve. It just got hotter and hotter every month, beginning in March. Here, we occasionally get a break, but to me, the biggest difference up here is Labor Day.
September can still be hot in Texas or not, but usually it is.
Up here, Labor Day is like a line drawn in the sand that signals that the worst heat is generally over.
I hope that’s true again this year. Because then I can think, if I can make it to Labor Day, then I’ll have it made. That’s only 2½ months, right? So, if the AC holds out and we can pay the electric bills, we’ll be nice and cool! :)
The funny thing is, in South Texas if it was in the 100’s, we didn’t go anywhere during the day. We ran our errands in the evenings when it was cooler. Up here, no one seems notice and everyone’s running around like usual. Seems like, anyway.
Of course, up here we have a Sonic on most every corner, with Happy Hour half-price fountain drinks and slushes between 2-4 p.m.! And believe you me, they come in handy!
Okay, so let’s get some peach iced tea and settle in for awhile...
Enjoy the fireflies and let the cicadas serenade you…
And whatever Summer means to you,
I hope you have a good one!
Lucky Dog